Enabling families to be who God knows them to be.

This Week at FBC

At First Baptist Church, our mission is to be community of faith where all are welcome, trust is present, risks are taken, and where the gifts and graces of our Lord enable us to be the people God knows us to be.

If you’re wanting to engage in the life of this church, odds are high that you will be participating in something that is directly tied to our mission. Whether you’re joining us for worship on Sunday mornings or our monthly game night, there is something for you!

Programs & Events

What are my children learning?

At First Baptist Morehead, we’ve created a roadmap for the spiritual development of our kids at each life stage. Together, with parents, we can help our children grow—bigger, older, & wiser—in their journey with Christ.

Join us for Camp Firelight, a summer camp adventure with God.

Registration is now open!

Navigating the Children’s Department

When you attend First Baptist Church, we want you to be aware of how you might navigate our building with children. All children’s ministry activities are on the second floor. For Sunday School, Wednesday Evening, and all other children’s programming, your child must be dropped off in the Children’s Ministry Suite, also known as the Imagination Lab. From there, all children will be directed either to the Godly Play room, K-2 Sunday School, or to remain in the lab for grades 3-5 Sunday School. The elevator is found on the northeast side of our facility (Left side from the back parking lot).

<—————— Southwest • Northeast ——————>